Maryland Fur Trappers
Trapper Education Course RegistrationProtecting and Managing Our Ecosystem for Future Generations Since 1961
Trapper Education Course – September 4-6, 2024
Camp Hickory
Hickory Environmental Education Center
604 Pride Parkway, Accident, MD 21520
Maryland State Trapping School
Directions to Maryland State Trapping School Camp Hickory, Garrett County
Hickory Environmental Education Center
604 Pride Parkway, Accident, MD 21520
Western Maryland, Garrett County Interstate I 68, exit 14A.
Take Rt 219 South towards Accident, MD. Go approximately 4 miles to Northern Garrett High School, turn right. Turn in the entrance to the high school and proceed around to the left of the school and to Camp Hickory. The Camp is located back in the trees beyond the football field and elementary school.
Mastering the Art of Trapping: Navigating the Maryland Fur Trappers Advanced Trapper Education Course
In the picturesque landscapes of Maryland, a diverse community of trappers is engaged in a transformative journey through the Maryland Fur Trappers advanced Trapper education course. This comprehensive program, tailored for both novices and seasoned trappers, aims to provide a rich and immersive learning experience. Let’s delve into the intricate world of trapping education, exploring the key focal points that make this course a cornerstone for trappers seeking to elevate their skills.
1. Furbearer Biology and Management in Maryland
As trappers embark on their educational journey, they are first immersed in the fascinating realm of furbearer biology and management specific to Maryland. From the elusive bobcat to the industrious beaver, participants gain a deep understanding of the unique characteristics, habitats, and population dynamics of Maryland’s diverse furbearer species. Armed with this knowledge, trappers are better equipped to make informed decisions that contribute to the sustainable management of these valuable wildlife resources.
2. Importance of Trapping in Resource Management and Animal Damage Control
Trapping is not merely a craft but a vital tool in the hands of conservationists. This segment of the course emphasizes the critical role trappers play in resource management and animal damage control. Participants explore the delicate balance between wildlife conservation and mitigating conflicts between human activities and furbearer populations. Trappers emerge from this module with a heightened sense of responsibility as stewards of the environment.
3. Overview of the Fur Harvest Industry
With historical roots deeply embedded in the fabric of human civilization, the fur harvest industry is a dynamic and evolving sector. The course provides a panoramic view of this industry, tracing its evolution, economic significance, and contemporary challenges. Trappers gain insights into market trends, fur prices, and sustainable harvesting practices, fostering a holistic understanding of their role within this intricate web of commerce and conservation.
4. Animal Behavior and Trapline Strategies
To master the art of trapping, one must comprehend the nuanced behaviors of furbearers. The course delves into the intelligence, dispersal patterns, and other behavioral intricacies of Maryland’s wildlife. Trappers learn to decipher these cues and apply this knowledge in developing effective trapline strategies. The marriage of scientific understanding and practical application enhances the probability of success in the field, making trappers more adept at anticipating and intercepting their elusive quarry.
5. Effective Lure and Bait Usage
Lures and baits are the symphony that attracts furbearers to the trapper’s stage. In this segment, trappers explore the art of selecting and employing lures and baits effectively. The course delves into the olfactory and visual cues that trigger a furbearer’s instincts, ensuring that trappers have a nuanced understanding of attractants. By honing this skill, trappers increase their likelihood of success while minimizing unintended captures.
6. Principles of Land Trapping
Land trapping is an art that requires a blend of skill, patience, and an acute understanding of terrain. Trappers delve into the principles of land trapping, covering trap placement, camouflage techniques, and considerations for specific furbearer species. This module equips trappers with the tools to navigate the diverse landscapes of Maryland, ensuring that their land trapping endeavors are both strategic and ethical.
7. Principles of Water Trapping
Water trapping presents a distinct set of challenges and opportunities. Trappers enrolled in the course immerse themselves in the principles of water trapping, covering trap selection, set construction, and strategies for effectively targeting aquatic furbearers. By understanding the dynamics of water ecosystems, trappers expand their repertoire and become adept at capitalizing on the unique behaviors of water-dwelling species.
8. Snares and Ethical Snaring Methods
Snares are a valuable tool in a trapper’s arsenal, but their ethical use is of paramount importance. This segment of the course is dedicated to educating trappers on the proper and humane deployment of snares. By emphasizing responsible trapping practices, the course ensures that trappers wield this tool ethically, minimizing stress and harm to the captured animals.
9. Fur Handling and Grading
The culmination of a successful trapping endeavor lies in the careful handling and grading of furs. Trappers engage in hands-on sessions where they learn techniques for preserving the quality of fur. The course also delves into the industry standards for fur grading, equipping trappers with the knowledge to maximize the market value of their catch.
10. Trapping Ethics
Ethics form the backbone of responsible trapping. Throughout the course, trappers are instilled with a strong sense of trapping ethics, reflecting on their responsibilities to trapped animals, the non-trapping public, fellow trappers, and trapping organizations. The course fosters a community of ethical trappers, emphasizing individual obligations that contribute to the sustainable continuance of the fur harvest industry.
In conclusion, the Maryland Fur Trappers advanced Trapper education course stands as a beacon for those passionate about mastering the art of trapping. It weaves together scientific knowledge, practical skills, and a deep sense of ethical responsibility. As trappers graduate from this program, they emerge not just as skilled practitioners but as stewards of Maryland’s wildlife legacy, contributing to the preservation of ecosystems and the enduring tradition of the fur harvest industry.
Important Details
Date: September 4-6, 2024 (Check-in begins after 3pm on Friday).
Location / Facilities
Housing will be provided at Camp Hickory in scenic Garrett County, Maryland. Camp Hickory is a modern, year-round environmental education facility. Sleeping quarters, cafeteria, and the lecture hall are climate controlled. Attendees are required to provide their own bedding and toiletry items. Camp staff will provide all meals and snacks.
Trapping Conditions
Trapping will be conducted on both public and private lands. Trapping conditions are varied and will be representative of, and applicable to all regions of Maryland. Land trapping locations will range from crop and pasture land to rugged heavily timbered mountain terrain. Water trapping conditions will vary from slow moving beaver flowages to whitewater trout streams.
Your instructors have been selected from some of the premier trappers in Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic Region. In addition, Maryland DNR, Wildlife and Heritage Service personnel will be present to conduct lectures and provide technical expertise.
Class Size
To insure that students receive ample personal attention during field activities, class size will be limited to approximately 40 individuals. Pre-registration is encouraged.
$150.00 for MFTI members, $175.00 for non-members, $70.00 for attendees under age 16. The non-member fee includes a one year membership to the MFTI. Payment should be made to the Maryland Fur Trappers Inc.. Payment can be made online (July 1), at the school or mailed in advance to Jaime Glenn, 3018 Harpers Ferry Rd, Sharpsburg, MD 21782 Phone 301-465-0197 or email
A limited number of scholarships are available for qualified individuals. It is the Maryland Fur Trappers Inc., sincere wish that all interested persons may attend. If fees or transportation are a barrier to your attendance, please contact Jaime Glenn at the number listed above. Every effort will be made to address your specific needs.
Conduct Statement
A standard of behavior is necessary to preserve the integrity of the Maryland State Trapping School, and to protect the health and safety of all participants. Instructors will supervise all activities and advise / enforce all rules pertaining to this event. Misconduct may forfeit your fees and continued participation in the Maryland State Trapping School. All minors that are not accompanied by an adult shall be required to possess a contact phone number for their parent or guardian, and a signed copy of the Health Information form. (Email Jaime for a copy of the form prior to attendance.)
Firearms, alcohol, illegal drugs, and tobacco products are prohibited on Camp Hickory grounds.
Equipment List
1.Provided by the student:
•Toilet articles including towels, soap, etc..
•Bedding and pillow or sleeping bag.
•Foul weather clothing.
•Knee and/or hip boots or waders.
•Paper and writing instruments.
2.Provided by the Maryland State Trapping School:
•Meals, snacks, and drinks. Please email or call if there are dietary allergies or restrictions.
•All necessary trapping equipment. However, students are encouraged to bring their own equipment if desired.
Contact List
If additional information is needed, please contact one of the following people:
Jaime Glenn (301) 465-0197 or
Richard Garrett
Dan Baker (410) 610-3311
3:00 – 6:00 pm.Sign in
5:30 – 6:30 pm.Dinner
7:00 – 7:15 pm.Orientation
7:15 – 8:15 pm.Maryland Fur bearer Biology and Management
8:15 – 8:30 pm.Break
8:30 – 9:30 pm.Animal Movements, Dispersal, and Intelligence
9:30 – 10:00 pm.Lure Usage
6:00 – 7:00 am.Breakfast
7:00 – 8:00 am.Snaring Techniques
8:00 – 12:00 pm.Land Trapping (individual groups)
12:00 – 12:30 pm.Bag Lunch On Trap line
12:30 – 5:00 pm.Water Trapping (individual groups)
5:00 – 6:00 pm.Dinner
6:00 – 7:00 pm.Instructors Round Robin
7:00 – 7:30 pm.Ethics
7:30 – 8:00 pm.Laws And Regulations
8:00 – 8:15 pm.Break
8:15 – 9:15 pm.Beaver Trapping
9:15 – 10:15 pm.APHIS / Wildlife Service
6:00 – 7:00 am.Breakfast
7:00 – 10:00 am.Check And Pull Traps
10:00 – 11:30 am.Fur Handling And Grading
11:30 – 12:30 pm.Lunch
12:30 Question / Answer Session, Adjournment